FAQ - Tool Tips

Check out the Fundamentals tab in thinkorswim

Find company profiles, share values, profitability, and more in the Fundamentals tab.

Support/Chat in thinkorswim Mobile

Access our award winning customer service right from your thinkorswim Mobile app.

thinkScript Lounge chat room

Trade ideas with other scripters in the thinkScript Lounge chat room.

Change the Color Scheme in your thinkorswim Mobile app

Learn how to change the color scheme in the thinkorswim Mobile app.

Shared Items in thinkorswim

Find previously shared charts, watchlists, and more in the Shared Items section in the Tools tab.

Create Custom Spreads in thinkorswim Mobile

Custom spreads aren't just for thinkorswim desktop anymore. 

Futures in the Fundamentals tab

You can now find Futures specifications in the Fundamentals tab in thinkorswim.

ETF data in the Fundamentals tab

You can now find State Street ETF data in the Fundamentals tab in thinkorswim.